商务和消费者事务部长戴维·克拉克(David Clark)表示,新西兰Aotearoa新西兰已成为世界上第一个介绍一项法律,要求金融部门披露气候变化对业务的影响,并解释如何管理与气候有关的风险和机会。
The Financial Sector (Climate-related Disclosure and Other Matters) Amendment Bill has been introduced to Parliament and will receive its first reading this week.
“Becoming the first country in the world to introduce a law like this means we have an opportunity to show real leadership and pave the way for other countries to make climate-related disclosures mandatory,” said David Clark.
Climate Change Minister James Shaw said the law was another step towards a climate-friendly, prosperous future for New Zealand.
“Similarly, there are technologies and activities that will cut emissions and become hugely valuable to the low carbon economy of the future.
“Requiring the financial sector to disclose the impacts of climate change will help businesses identify the high-emitting activities that pose a risk to their future prosperity, as well as the opportunities presented by action on climate change and new low carbon technologies, James Shaw said.
Once passed, disclosures will be required for financial years commencing in 2022, meaning that the first disclosures will be made in 2023.
詹姆斯·肖(James Shaw)说:“阅读气候变化委员会的建议草案的一种方法是警告说,随着我们接近实现政府的气候目标,高碳投资将越来越冒险。”
“除非金融部门知道他们的投资对气候有何影响,否则我们根本无亚博体育 ios法到2050年净零碳排放。该法律将使气候风险和韧性成为财务和商业决策的核心。”
戴维·克拉克(David Clark)说:“许多企业面临与气候变化有关的重大身体和过渡风险,尽管一些企业已经开始发布有关气候变化如何影响其业务,战略和财务状况的报告,但还有很长的路要走。”
Notes to Editor
- It introduces mandatory climate-related disclosures for most listed issuers, along with large registered banks, licensed insurers and registered managers of investment schemes.
- It requires the disclosures to be made in accordance with climate standards that will be issued by the External Reporting Board, or XRB.
- 金融市场管理局将负责对相关报告实体遵守新报告标准的独立监控和执行。
- XRB将能够就非财务报告的环境,社会和治理报告以及其他更广泛的方面发布指导材料。
More information available at:https://www.mbie.govt.nz/business-and-employment/business/regulating-entities/mandatory-climate-related-financial-disclosures