Green Party mourns passing of Bruce Stewart - Green Party media release

It was with great sadness that the Green Party learned of the passing of Bruce Stewart QSM (Te Arawa, Tainui), the visionary founder of Tapu Te Ranga marae.

He mihi tēnei ki ngā mate kua whetūrangitia ki te korowai o Ranginui. E te rangatira, e matua Bruce, hoki atu ki te poho o te whenua, ki ngā ringaringa o ngā mātua tūpuna. Takoto mai, takoto mai, takoto mai rā.

Ka tuku au i ngā aroha mutunga kore o Te Rōpū Kākāriki ki te whānau pani me te hāpori o Tapu Te Ranga i tēnei wā pouri.

It was with great sadness that the Green Party learned of the passing of Bruce Stewart QSM (Te Arawa, Tainui), the visionary founder of Tapu Te Ranga marae.

“I am deeply saddened by the passing of Bruce Stewart and acknowledge this huge loss for his whānau, his community, and Te Ao Māori,” said Green Party Māori development spokesperson Marama Davidson.

“Matua Bruce is an example of one of the inspiring leaders that have done so much to provide a home and identity for urban Māori communities.

“His work to provide skills and employment opportunities to rangatahi, homeless people, those without jobs, and members of gangs is an example of the impact he has made on our country.

“He was also a champion for kaitiakitanga and sustainability, and worked to build community resilience.

“Matua Bruce was still working right up until the end to realise his vision of expanding Tapu Te Ranga marae to provide housing for low income whānau, and met with me in recent months about it.

“This loss will be deeply felt not just by Bruce’s whānau and the Tapu Te Ranga community, but also the people of Wellington and Te Ao Māori.

“The love and thoughts of the Green Party are with the whānau pani at this time of deep sadness and loss,” said Ms Davidson.



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