绿党正在呼吁人们去dotterel并投票支持新西兰Dotterel/tūturiwhatuas Bird of the Year 2021.
“很久以来,我们有翼的海滩之友一直被比赛所吸引 - 从字面上和形象上讲,”格林投票给Shorebird竞选活动的发言人Eugenie Sage说。
“Every day, the Tūturiwhatu faces the bird-en of having to protect its beach habitat and nests from careless walkers, dogs and off-road vehicles.
“With summer coming up and more of us likely to head to the beach for physically-distanced walks, there is a chance people may see one of these adorable birds or their cousins, the banded dotterel.
“And so, we’re asking everyone to connect the dots to protect the dots. Look where you’re walking, keep dogs on a leash, and do not drive on beaches or dunes or anywhere near where there may be nests.
“Making Tūturiwhatu Bird of the Year will help make sure the risks they face do not fly over New Zealanders’ heads.
“自比赛孵化以来,只有一只海鸟被加冕为年度鸟。现在是时候支持新西兰的小型但强大的dotterel了。使它成为一件事 - 投票给岸鸟。
“Or should we have a referendum on calling it the Aotearoa Dotterel?
“We believe it will help address the continued confusion with the banded dotterel by ensuring the true king of the beach always appears first in alphabetised lists.”
- Kororā /小蓝色企鹅
- Toroa / Antipodean albatross
- 塔拉(Tara Iti) /新西兰童话
- Kākāriki karaka/ orange fronted parakeet