A paper prepared by economists for the New Zealand Law Foundation found that ‘the extent of economic gains is likely to be far lower than predicted and costs far higher.’ Costs may include environmental degradation, job losses, and restrictions on future governments’ abilities to bring in new policies that would benefit New Zealand businesses.
“The Government’s own modelling shows that by 2030, New Zealand’s economy would grow by 47 percent without the TPPA and 47.9 percent with the TPPA – but what National’s being very secretive about is what that extra 0.9 percent will cost us in terms of environmental degradation, job losses, and more expensive medicines.
“从TPPA的经济收益是杯水车薪 - 根据政府本身的造型不到GDP的1%,到2030年。更改新西兰元和全球乳品价格可以比这更大的影响。
“The expert economic analysis raises serious concerns that the TPPA will limit our ability to add value to our ‘clean, green’ agricultural exports by branding our products as superior in terms of animal welfare, human health, and food safety,” said Dr Graham.
该经济分析由杰夫·伯特伦从惠灵顿,经济学家维多利亚大学和记者罗德·勒姆和Tim Hazeldine和奥克兰商学院大学的巴里·科茨准备。它是由同行约翰·奎金教授昆士兰大学审查。注意巴里·科茨在2014年绿党候选人。