政府必须尽快提交建筑re affordable homes in Auckland because the market is failing to do so, the Green Party said today.
新QV数据今天进行显示,增加新的住房供应一直保持房屋在基督城的实惠,而平均奥克兰房价现在是992207 $。
“奥克兰的平均房价是在一百万美元调零,危机正在蔓延至陶朗加和汉密尔顿 - 不会,除非政府承诺建立很多更多的房子改变,”绿党发言人住房梅特丽娅·特说。
“基督城节省的平均定价低于回家$ 500,000的家庭是会感到有很多比奥克兰家庭望着百万美元的房子无尽的街道更加乐观。
“Housing won’t be affordable again until the Government steps up and tackles both supply and demand by building more homes, closing speculators’ tax loopholes, restricting overseas investors, and bringing in a proper capital gains tax (excluding the family home),” said Mrs Turei.